
CALL Literary Reaction 7

Reaction to Definitely Mabye A short Love Story.

I. Summary
 The short movie I chose to Summraize and react to is Definitely Maybe a short love story made in 2011. The story is love story. There was a certai couple. The couple was very close. But, they broke up. He is at a loss. One day, He was found of  message card put on his house the door. He began to exchange of the letter. He will meet at last. And, he meet former girl friend again. He can go out with her again.
私は、Definitely Mabeについて要約する。この物語は2011年につくられたラブストーリーである。とあるカップルがいた。彼らはとても仲が良かった。しかし、彼らはわかれてしまう。彼はとても憂鬱であった。ある日彼は家のドアに張られたメッセージカードを見つける。彼は文通を始めた。彼はついに会うことになる。手紙の相手は前の彼女だったのだ。そして彼はまた彼女と付き合い始めた。

II. Reaction

1. Character
 The couple. They was very close.

2. Form
 This story is divided into hour scenes. The couple is very close scene. They bloke up scene. They are exchange of the letter scene. And, he meet former girl friend again scene.

3. Appeal
 This story is very impressed. Story constitution is done to be worried about a point.

4. General Opinion
 I think good about this story. Because, the strory is very impressed and happy.

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